I am youthful, I am healthy.
I am strong, I am happy.
I am positive, my science is positive.
I shall ever remain positive.
I know the science of life of the universe.
I am in tune with nature.
I practice the law of nature.
I can heal anybody, anywhere, anytime,
because I treat not disease, but the system.
I treat not by dare, but by care.
I treat by promoting immunity and digestive power and
in the process eliminate wastes and pathogens.
As I treat I am in oneness with the patient,
and thereby the disease melts away,
like snow before the sun.
I know the value of selfless action, the science of creation.
I shall extend selfless healthcare service to humanity,
in doing so creating whatever I want,
health, wealth, happiness and affluence in abundance for all,
and so on and on and on ever in action and
ultimately become one with Reality in all bliss everlasting.